The French past perfect, or pluperfect—known in French as le plus-que-parfait—is used to indicate a past action that occurred before another past action. The most recent past action can be mentioned in the same sentence or implied.
'Le Plus-Que-Parfait'
The plus‐que‐parfait is the compound form of the imparfait (imperfect) formed by using the imperfect of the appropriate helping verb, avoir or être (have or be) and the participe passé (past participle) of the verb. Its English equivalent is “had” and the past participle. The table below provides some examples; for clarity, the prior action is in parentheses in some cases.
French Pluperfect |
English Translation |
Il n'avait pas mangé (avant de faire ses devoirs). |
He hadn't eaten (before doing his homework). |
J'ai fait du shopping ce matin. J'avais déjà fait la lessive. |
I went shopping this morning. I had already done the laundry. |
J'étais déjà sorti (quand tu as téléphoné). |
I had already left (when you called). |
Nous voulions te parler parce que nous ne t'avions pas vu hier. |
We wanted to talk to you because we didn't see you yesterday. |
Expressing Hypotheticals
The pluperfect is also used in si clauses to express a hypothetical situation in the past contrary to what actually happened. Si clauses or conditionals produce conditional sentences, with one clause stating a condition or possibility and a second naming a result produced by that condition. In English, such sentences are called "if/then" constructions. The French si means "if" in English. There is no equivalent for "then" per se in French conditional sentences.
French Pluperfect With Si Clause |
English Translation |
Si tu m'avais demandé, j'aurais répondu. |
If you had asked me, I would have answered. |
Nous y serions allés si nous avions su. |
We would have gone if we had known. |
Other Plus-Que-Parfait Information
The French past perfect is a compound conjugation, which means it has two parts:
- Imperfect of the auxiliary verb (either avoir or être)
- Past participle of the main verb
Like all French compound conjugations, the past perfect may be subject to grammatical agreement, as follows:
- When the auxiliary verb is être, the past participle must agree with the subject.
- When the auxiliary verb is avoir, the past participle may have to agree with its direct object.
French Past Perfect Conjugations
Conjugating the French le plus-que-parfait (the past perfect or pluperfect) requires knowing when to use avoir, être, or a pronominal, as the table demonstrates for the verbs aimer (to love), devenir (to become), and lavar (to wash).
Aimer (auxiliary verb is avoir) | |
j' |
avais aimé |
tu |
avais aimé |
il, elle |
avait aimé |
nous |
avions aimé |
vous |
aviez aimé |
ils, elles |
avaient aimé |
Devenir (être verb) | |
j' |
étais devenu(e) |
tu |
étais devenu(e) |
il |
était devenu |
nous | étions devenu(e)s |
vous | étiez devenu(e)(s) |
ils |
étaient devenus |
elle |
était devenue |
elles |
étaient devenues |
Se Laver (pronominal verb) | |
je |
m'étais lavé(e) |
tu |
t'étais lavé(e) |
il |
s'était lavé |
ils |
s'étaient lavés |
nous |
nous étions lavé(e)s |
vous |
vous étiez lavé(e)(s) |
elle |
s'était lavée |
elles |
s'étaient lavées |
French pronominal verbs are accompanied by the reflexive pronoun se or s' preceding the infinitive, hence the grammatical term "pronominal," which means "relating to a pronoun." All conjugated verbs, except the imperative form, require a subject pronoun.