Quiz: French Airport Terms

Do you know how to get around a French airport?

Arrival departure board at airport, close-up
Sami Sarkis / Getty Images
1. la livraison des bagages
2. une navette
3. un vol
4. les bagages enregistrés
5. embarquer
6. la première classe
7. le contrôle de sécurité
8. les départs
9. delay
10. la carte d'embarquement
Quiz: French Airport Terms
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I got Ooh lá lá!. Quiz: French Airport Terms
Dave and Les Jacobs / Getty Images

Looks like you need to study more before you take off!  Use our list of French airport terms to study and try this quiz again. 

Quiz: French Airport Terms
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I got Pas mal.. Quiz: French Airport Terms

Not bad. You're almost ready to start packing, but you might want to revisit our list of French airport terms​ refresh your memory. Then, get ready for the train station

Quiz: French Airport Terms
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I got Trés Bien!. Quiz: French Airport Terms
Lelia Valduga / Getty Images

 Great job! You're ready for take off. Ready for more French travel vocabulary? Check out our list of train terms