French Possessive Adjectives Quiz

Fill in the blanks with the correct form

Ron Reiring / Flickr
1. Nous avons oublié _____ parapluie.
2. C'était _____ question.
3. _____ amis sont très sympa.
4. Ils ont acheté _____ maison il y a deux ans.
5. Henri aime beaucoup _____ femme.
6. Nicolas, _____ soeur est très intelligente.
7. Sarah, cherche _____ frère.
8. Voici _____ stylos.
9. _____ parents détestent conduire.
10. Où sont _____ livres?
11. Où se trouve _____ livre?
12. Combien de _____ enfants habitent en France ?
13. J'ai perdu _____ clés.
14. Jean et Sylvie aiment _____ voiture.
15. Quel est _____ restaurant préféré ?
French Possessive Adjectives Quiz
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I got Ooh lá lá!. French Possessive Adjectives Quiz
Dave and Les Jacobs / Getty Images

Looks like you need to study more! Visit our French Possessive Adjectives lesson to learn more about how to use adjectives in their possessive form. 

French Possessive Adjectives Quiz
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I got Pas mal.. French Possessive Adjectives Quiz

Not bad. You have the basics down, but you might want to visit our French Possessive Adjectives lesson to learn more about how to use adjectives in their possessive form. 

French Possessive Adjectives Quiz
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I got Trés Bien!. French Possessive Adjectives Quiz
Lelia Valduga / Getty Images

Great job! Ready to move on to something a little more challenging? Why not try our lessons on demonstrative adjectives or adjectives with special forms