Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R

Improve your French vocabulary by studying common words starting with letters O, P, Q, and R. Hear the pronunciation of these words and try saying them in context.

French Words That Start With O

     Word                   Translation                Category

O the letter O French alphabet
s'obstiner to insist, persist, continue to do stubbornly MdJ - O
obvier à to take precautions against, overcome MdJ - O
une occasion chance, opportunity; second-hand MdJ - O
occasionner to cause, bring about MdJ - O
occuper to occupy, take up, fill MdJ - O
Océane French names
octobre October Calendar
octroyer à to grant, bestow MdJ - O
Odette French names
un oeil eye Body
un oeuf egg Dairy
des oeufs eggs Dairy
oh lala
un oignon onion, bulb, bunion MdJ - O
Olivie Olivia French names
Olivier Oliver French names
une ombre shadow, shade; darkness, obscurity MdJ - O
on we All about On
un oncle uncle Family
ondoyer to undulate, ripple, wave MdJ - O
ondulé (adj) - wavy Descriptions
un ongle fingernail Body
ont-ils do they have Liaisons
onze 11 Numbers
orageux (adj) - stormy Weather
orange orange Colors
une orange orange Fruit
un ordi (inf) - computer MdJ - O
un ordinateur computer Office
une oreille ear Body
un oreiller pillow Furniture
orgueil (m) pride, arrogance MdJ - O
un orteil toe Body
orthographe (fem noun) spelling MdJ - O
oser to dare, venture MdJ - O
ou or Basic vocab
where Basic vocab
ouest west Directions
Où est ... ? Where is...? Travel
oui yes Basic vocab
Où se trouve ... ? Where is...? Travel
un outil tool MdJ - O
outrer to outrage MdJ - O
ouvert (adj) - outgoing, open Personality, Travel
ouvrez la bouche Open your mouth

French Words That Start With P

      Word                    Translation                  Category

P the letter P French alphabet
paillard (inf adj) - bawdy, coarse, lewd MdJ - P
le pain bread Food
le pain grillé toast Food
un paletot cardigan MdJ - P
pallier to overcome, get round, compensate for MdJ - P
un pamplemousse grapefruit Fruit
une panne breakdown; failure MdJ - P
le panpan spanking Baby talk
un pantalon pants Clothing
pantouflard (inf adj) - uneventful, quiet MdJ - P
un pantouflard (inf) stay-at-home person MdJ - P
la papatte paw Baby talk
le papier paper Office
papoter to chat MdJ - P
le pappy grampa, gramps Baby talk
parages (m) area, vicinity MdJ - P
un parapluie umbrella Accessories
le parc park Directions
pardon pardon me, I beg your pardon Politeness
un pare-brise windshield Driving
parer to fend off, prepare for; to dress, deck out, embellish MdJ - P
paresseux (adj) - lazy, idle, sluggish MdJ - P
parfaire to perfect, complete MdJ - P
parfois (adv) - sometimes MdJ - P
le parfum perfume Love language
parier to bet, wager MdJ - P
parlerais speak, will speak
Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? Basic vocab
la parole word, speech, lyrics MdJ - P
un parrain godfather; sponsor; christener MdJ - P
partout everywhere; (sports) all, tie score MdJ - P
parvenir à to reach, achieve, manage to MdJ - P
Pascal French names
pas de quoi don't mention it Politeness
Pas grand-chose No big deal Greetings
Pas mal Not bad Greetings
passager passenger
le passeport passport Travel
une pastèque watermelon Fruit
un pataquès malapropism; (slang) - muddle MdJ - P
et patati et patata (inf interj) - and so on and so forth MdJ - P
les pâtes pasta Food
patient (adj) - patient Personality
le patio patio Home
la pâtisserie pastry shop Shopping
Patrice Patrick French names
Patricia Patricia French names
Patrick Patrick French names
le patrimoine inheritance, heritage MdJ - P
patriotique (adj) - patriotic Personality
Paul Paul French names
Paulette French names
Pauline Pauline French names
paumé (inf adj) lost, bewildered; poor MdJ - P
paupieres eyelids
payer to pay
un péage toll Driving
la pêche fishing; peach Hobbies, Fruit
pédaler to pedal, (inf) - to hurry MdJ - P
le peigne comb Toiletries
peinard (fam adj) - cushy, easy MdJ - P
la peine sorrow, sadness, trouble, effort, penalty MdJ - P
peiner to comb
peintre to paint
peler to peel MdJ - P
la pelle shovel MdJ - P
la pelouse lawn, field, track MdJ - P
pencher to tilt, slope, bend, lean, incline (fig and literally) MdJ - P
un pendentif pendant Jewelry
Pénélope Penelope French names
le pépé grampa, gramps Baby talk
pépère (inf adj) - quiet, easy, uneventful, cushy MdJ - P
un pépère (inf, baby talk) - grandad; (inf) - cute child MdJ - P
percuter to strike, crash into; (fam) - to get it (e.g., a joke) MdJ - P
perdre to lose
un père father Family
périmé (adj) - expired, out of date, invalid, outdated MdJ - P
peser to weigh (lit + fig); to consider, be worth something MdJ - P
pétillant (adj) - bubbly, sparkling MdJ - P
petit (adj) - short Descriptions
un petit ami boyfriend Liaisons
le petit-déjeuner breakfast Food
une petite-fille granddaughter Family
un petit-fils grandson Family
les petits pois (m) peas Vegetables
peu little
les phares headlights Driving
la pharmacie pharmacy Shopping
pharmacien pharmacist
pharmacienne pharmacist
Philippe Philip French names
Philippine French names
photocopier to photocopy
un photocopieur copy machine Office
piauler to cheep, sing, whimper MdJ - P
la pièce room Home
un pied foot MdJ - P
C'est le pied ! It's great! MdJ - P
un piège trap, pit, pitfall MdJ - P
Pierre Peter French names
piger (fam) - to twig, get it, understand MdJ - P
pile (inf adv) - just, exactly, dead MdJ - P
une pile pile, stack, battery, tails (on a coin toss) MdJ - P
pilote pilot
pinailleur (inf adj) - persnickety, fussy MdJ - P
le pinard (fam) - cheap wine, plonk MdJ - P
pince plier
la pince à ongles nail clippers Toiletries
la pince fine tweezers Toiletries
le pipi pee pee, urine Baby talk
piqure to sting, bite; give a shot; stick, jab; prickle MdJ - P
un placard cupboard, cabinet, closet; poster, notice; galley proof MdJ - P
le plafond ceiling Furniture
planete planet
le plat dish Dishes
le plat principal main course Food
pleut rain
pleut averse raining hard; downpour
plier to fold, bend MdJ - P
le plomb lead (literal and fig); lead shot, sinker (fishing) MdJ - P
plombage plumbing
un plombier plumber Professions
plouc (adj) - dowdy MdJ - P
un plouc (inf, pej) - country bumpkin, hick MdJ - P
Plus lentement More slowly Basic vocab
plus ou moins more or less Liaisons
pluton pluto
plutôt (adv) - rather, sooner MdJ - P
poignarder to stab, knife (literally and fig) MdJ - P
le poignet wrist Body
pointer to check off, clock in, aim MdJ - P
se pointer (inf) - to turn up MdJ - P
une poire pear Fruit
un poisson fish MdJ - P
la poissonerie fish store Shopping
la poitrine chest Body
le poivre pepper Food
polémique (adj) controversial, contentious MdJ - P
un policier police officer Professions
la politesse politeness Politeness
Polonais(e), le polonais Polish Lang + Nat
une pommade ointment, cream MdJ - P
une pomme apple Fruit
la pomme de terre potato Vegetables
pompier firefighter
le porc pork Meat
le porche porch Home
un portable cell phone Office
une porte door Furniture
un porte-documents briefcase Accessories
un portefeuille wallet Accessories
Portugais(e), le portugais Portuguese Lang + Nat
poser to put down, to ask (a question) MdJ - P
la poste post office Directions
un pot jar, pot, tin, can; (inf) - drink, luck MdJ - P
le potage soup Food
potager (adj) - edible, vegetable MdJ - P
potasser (inf) - to cram, bone up, swot MdJ - P
un pote (inf) - mate, buddy, chum MdJ - P
pou louse
le pouce thumb, inch Body, Q + M
poule hen
le poulet chicken Meat
la poupe stern (of a ship) MdJ - P
le pourboire tip Restaurant
pourquoi why Basic vocab
Pourrais-je parler à ... ? May I speak to ...? On the phone
poussé (adj) - advanced, intensive, exhaustive MdJ - P
Pouvez-vous l'ecrire Could you write to him/her?
Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Can you help me? Travel


(adj) - preliminary, prior, previous, preceding MdJ - P
un prédicateur preacher MdJ - P
prejugé prejudice
premiere classe
le premier étage 2nd floor (US), 1st floor (BR) Accommodations
près (de) near (to) Directions
une présentation introduction Introductions
pressé (adj) - in a hurry, urgent; freshly-squeezed MdJ - P
le pressing dry cleaner Shopping
prestations (f) benefits MdJ - P
prévisible (adj) - foreseeable MdJ - P
prevu (adj) - forseen, anticipated, expected, planned MdJ - P
printemps spring Calendar
le prix price Transportation
un/e prof (inf) - teacher (short for professor) MdJ - P
un professeur teacher Professions
profiter à to benefit, be profitable to MdJ - P
profiter de to make the most of, take advantage of Verbs w/ prepositions
un projet plan, draft MdJ - P
un/e proprio (fam) - landlord, landlady (short for propriétaire) MdJ - P
prosaïque (adj) - mundane, prosaic MdJ - P
le prout gas, fart Baby talk
provisoire (adj) - temporary, provisional, interim MdJ - P
prudent (adj) - careful, cautious; wise, sensible MdJ - P
une prune plum Fruit
psychologie psychology
la psychose psychosis; obsession MdJ - P
pu could
la publicité advertising, advertisement, bad publicity MdJ - P
puce flea
la pudeur sense of modesty, decency, propriety MdJ - P
puis-je Can I
puis on est arrivé then we arrived Optional liaisons
un pull sweater Clothing
un pupitre student desk School
pur pure
un pyjama pajamas Clothing

French Words That Start With Q

          Word                    Translation                Category

Q the letter Q French alphabet
le quai platform Transportation
quand when Basic vocab
Quand est-ce que When + question Liaisons
quand on décidera when we decide Liaisons
quant à (prep) - as for, regarding MdJ - Q
quart a quarter
quarante 40 Numbers
quarante et un 41 Numbers
quasiment (adv) - almost, nearly MdJ - Q
quatorze 14 Numbers
quatre 4 Numbers
quatre-vingt-deux 82 Numbers
quatre-vingt-dix 90 Numbers
quatre-vingt-onze 91 Numbers
quatre-vingt-un 81 Numbers
quatre-vingts 80 Numbers
Quel idiot ! What an idiot! Accent affectif
Quel jour est-il ? What day is it? Dates
Quel jour sommes-nous ? What day is it? Dates
Quelle est la date ? What's the date? Dates
Quelle heure est-il ? What time is it? Telling time
Quelle idée extraordinaire ! What an incredible idea! Accent affectif
quelque part (indefinite adv) - somewhere MdJ - Q
quel temps fait il What is the weather?
la quenotte tooth Baby talk
Que prenez-vous ? What are you having? Restaurant
qu'est ce que je vous sers What can I get you?
Que veut dire ... ? What does ... mean? Basic vocab
Que voudriez-vous ? What would you like? Restaurant
qui who Basic vocab
Qui est à l'appareil ? Who is calling? On the phone
quinze 15 Numbers
quitter to leave MdJ - Q
quoi what Basic vocab
Quoi de neuf ? What's new? Greetings

French Words That Start With R

      Word                    Translation                  Category

R the letter R French alphabet
rabais (pej adj) - third-rate, cheap MdJ - R
un rabais reduction, discount MdJ - R
rabioter (inf) - to beg, mooch, scrounge, wangle, swindle MdJ - R
un raccourci short cut; turn of phrase; summary MdJ - R
raccrocher to hang up On the phone
raconter to tell, recount MdJ - R
la rade harbor MdJ - R
radier to cross off, strike off MdJ - R
radin (informal adj) stingy, (UK) mean MdJ - R
le radis radish Vegetables
raffiné (adj) - refined, sophisticated, polished MdJ - R
raffoler de to be keen on, wild about MdJ - R
un ragot (inf) - piece of gossip (usually plural) MdJ - R
ragoûtant (adj) - appetizing, savory (ironic) MdJ - R
raide (adj) - straight Descriptions
raidir to stiffen, harden, tighten, tense MdJ - R
un raisin grape Fruit
râlant (adj) - infuriating MdJ - R
râler to moan, groan MdJ - R
une rancune grudge, rancor MdJ - R
une randonnée drive, ride, hike MdJ - R
ranger to tidy, arrange, order, put away MdJ - R
rappeler to call back On the phone
se rappeler to remember, recollect MdJ - R
le rasage shaving Toiletries
se raser to shave Toiletries
le rasoir razor Toiletries
le rasoir électrique shaver Toiletries
rassasier to satisfy MdJ - R
rater to misfire, miss, fail, bungle, miscarry, mess up MdJ - R


(adj) - delighted MdJ - R
rayé (adj) - striped, scratched MdJ - R
Raymond Raymond French names
rebarbatif (adj) - forbidding, daunting MdJ - R
à rebours wrong way, against the nap, backwards MdJ - R
un(e) réceptionniste receptionist Professions
la recette recipe, formula; takings MdJ - R
une récidive second offense, recurrence, repetition MdJ - R
recu recieved  
un recul retreat, recoil, decline, (temporal) distance MdJ - R
la rédaction drafting, editing, writing, drawing up MdJ - R
rédiger to write, compose, draft MdJ - R
la redite needless repetition MdJ - R
redoubler to increase, intensify, double, do s.t. more MdJ - R
redouter to dread, fear MdJ - R
un réfrigérateur refrigerator Furniture
régaler to treat, regale MdJ - R
réglé (adj) - regular, stable, settled; menstruating; lined MdJ - R
un rejeton descendant; (inf) - kid'(botany) - shoot MdJ - R
un reliquat remainder, outstanding amount, balance MdJ - R
reluquer (inf) - to eye, ogle MdJ - R
remarquable remarkable Bon synonyms
remplacer replace  
remuer to move, twitch, stir, shift, shake MdJ - R
Rémy   French names
renâcler to snort; to complain, grumble MdJ - R
le rendement yield, output, return MdJ - R
se rendre compte to realize, be aware MdJ - R
René (reborn) French names
Renée Renee French names
le renfort help, helpers MdJ - R
les renforts reinforcements, supplies MdJ - R
renfrogné (adj) - sullen, scowling, sulky MdJ - R
renseigner to give information to; to fill in MdJ - R
rentable (adj) - profitable, worthwhile MdJ - R
la rente annuity, allowance; government stock/loan/bond MdJ - R
le repas meal Food
un repère line, marker, indicator, landmark, reference point MdJ - R
repérer to spot, pick out, find; to be found out, get caught MdJ - R
Répétez, s'il vous plaît. Repeat, please. Basic vocab
un répondeur enregistreur answering machine which takes messages MdJ - R
un répondeur téléphonique answering machine On the phone
reposer to put back down, put back; rest; ask again MdJ - R
les représailles (fem plural) - reprisal, retaliation MdJ - R
résolu (adj) resolute, resolved, determined MdJ - R
le restaurant restaurant Food
résumer to summarize, sum up, epitomize MdJ - R
retirer remove  
retors (adj) - sly, underhanded, wily MdJ - R
la retraite retreat, retirement, pension MdJ - R
réussir to succeed, to manage to, to pass (a test) MdJ - R
la revanche revenge (figurative), revenge match, return game/fight MdJ - R
rêvasser to daydream, let one's mind wander. MdJ - R
un réveil alarm clock, waking up MdJ - R
revendiquer to claim, demand, take responsibility for MdJ - R
le rez-de-chaussée 1st floor (US), ground floor (BR) Accommodations
un rhume cold (illness) MdJ - R
Richard Richard French names
un rideau curtain Furniture
Rien de nouveau Nothing new Greetings
rigoler (inf) - to laugh, have fun, joke MdJ - R
à la rigueur (adv) - or even, if need be MdJ - R
rincer to rinse  
ringard (inf adj) - corny, rinky-dink, old-fashioned MdJ - R
une riposte retort, counter-attack, (fencing) - riposte MdJ - R
la risée mockery, ridicule; light breeze MdJ - R
le riz rice Food
une robe dress Women's clothing
Robert Robert French names
rôder to loiter, lurk, prowl MdJ - R
Roger Roger French names
Roland Roland French names
romanesque (adj) - fabulous, fantastical, storybook, romantic MdJ - R
le romanesque romantic side, romance MdJ - R
un roman policier detective story, whodunit MdJ - R
rompre to break (off, up) MdJ - R
ronchon (adj) - grumpy, grouchy MdJ - R
un ronchon grumbler, grouch MdJ - R
rondement (adv) - briskly, frankly MdJ - R
ronfler to snore, hum, roar MdJ - R
ronronner to purr, hum (literally and fig) MdJ - R
le rosbif roast beef Meat
rose pink Colors
un rosier rosebush MdJ - R
roue wheel  
rouge red Colors
le rouge à lèvres lipstick Toiletries
rougir to turn red, to blush MdJ - R
rouler to drive, be moving (traffic) Driving
rouspéter (inf) - to moan, groan MdJ - R
rousse (informal) redhead  
route road  
un routier truck driver; truckstop MdJ - R
roux (adj) - red (hair) Descriptions
un ruban ribbon Accessories
la rubrique (news) colum, heading, rubric MdJ - R
rudement (adv) - roughly, hard, harshly; (inf) - very, terribly MdJ - R
la rue street Driving
Russe, le russe Russian Lang + Nat
mla apa chicago
Your Citation
Team, ThoughtCo. "Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Team, ThoughtCo. (2023, April 5). Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R. Retrieved from Team, ThoughtCo. "Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 24, 2024).