How to Conjugate "Conclure" (to Conclude)

An Irregular French Verb Conjugation You Need to Memorize

"To conclude" in French is the verb conclure. While that's a relatively easy one to remember, the verb conjugations will be a challenge for some French students. That is because conclure is an irregular verb and it shares a pattern with only a handful of other words. 

Conjugating the French Verb Conclure

Unlike some French verb conjugations, conclure does not follow a common verb conjugation patternConclure is an irregular verb and the various endings are only found in other verbs that end with - ure. This includes inclure (to include)exclure (to exclude), and occlure (to occlude).

While you will find these conjugations more difficult to memorize, studying all four at the same time is a good idea. That's because this small group attaches the same infinitive endings to the verb stem.

In the case of conclure, the stem is conclu-. For the je (I) present tense, an -s is added to form "je conclus." Likewise, -rons is added to the stem to construct the future tense nous (we) form, "nous conclurons." Keep these endings in mind and apply them the other -ure words.

Subject Present Future Imperfect
je conclus conclurai concluais
tu conclus concluras concluais
il conclut conclura concluait
nous concluons conclurons concluions
vous concluez conclurez concluiez
ils concluent concluront concluaient

The Present Participle of Conclure

Adding -ant to the stem of conclure gives you the present participle concluant. While it's often used as a verb, there are also times when you will find it helpful as an adjective, gerund, or noun.

The Past Participle and Passé Composé

The past tense in French can be expressed using the imperfect or the passé composé. The latter requires less memorization, but uses a simple construction that's important to know.

To form this, begin with a conjugate of the auxiliary verb avoir to match your subject pronoun. Then, attach the past participle conclu. For instance, "I concluded" is "j'ai conclu" and "we concluded" is "nous avons conclu."

More Simple Conclure Conjugations to Know

When you need to imply some sort of question to the verb conclure, the subjunctive or conditional verb moods are used. The subjunctive is used when the verb is uncertain and the conditional when it's dependent on circumstances.

In literature, you may come across the passé simple or the imperfect subjunctive forms. These are rare and, in the least, you should be able to recognize them as a conjugation of conclure.

Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passé Simple Imperfect Subjunctive
je conclue conclurais conclus conclusse
tu conclues conclurais conclus conclusses
il conclue conclurait conclut conclût
nous concluions conclurions conclûmes conclussions
vous concluiez concluriez conclûtes conclussiez
ils concluent concluraient conclurent conclussent

To express conclure in an exclamation, short request, or command, use the imperative form. When doing so, there's no need to include the subject pronoun: use "conclus" rather than "tu conclus."

(tu) conclus
(nous) concluons
(vous) concluez
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Your Citation
Team, ThoughtCo. "How to Conjugate "Conclure" (to Conclude)." ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, Team, ThoughtCo. (2021, December 6). How to Conjugate "Conclure" (to Conclude). Retrieved from Team, ThoughtCo. "How to Conjugate "Conclure" (to Conclude)." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 24, 2024).