Conjugate French Verb "Ajouter"

Add the French verb ajouter to your vocabulary list. Meaning "to add," ajouter is a very useful word, and students will be happy to know that it is a relatively easy verb conjugation.

Conjugating the French Verb Ajouter

Ajouter is a regular -er verb. It follows the same verb conjugation pattern as similar words such as amuser (to amuse) and admirer (to admire). That means that once you learn one, the others are even easier.

Conjugating French verbs is necessary because it ensures that our sentences make sense. Just as we add an -ed or -ing ending to English verbs to change from the past to present tense, the endings of French verbs change as well.

In French, we must also take into account the subject pronoun. When you are speaking about j' (I), you will use a different form of ajouter than when speaking about nous (we).

Using this chart, you can quickly find the appropriate conjugation for ajouter. For example, "I add" is "j'ajoute" and "we will add" is "nous ajouterons."

Subject Present Future Imperfect
j' ajoute ajouterai ajoutais
tu ajoutes ajouteras ajoutais
il ajoute ajoutera ajoutait
nous ajoutons ajouterons ajoutions
vous ajoutez ajouterez ajoutiez
ils ajoutent ajouteront ajoutaient

Ajouter's Present Participle

Changing ajouter to the present participle is easy as well. Simply replace the -er ending with -ant, and you have ajoutant. This can be used as a verb, though it also works as an adjective, gerund, or noun.

Ajouter in the Passé Composé

A common French form of the past tense is passé composé. This requires an auxiliary verb, which in this case is avoir and it needs to be conjugated. The other requirement is the past participle, and for ajouter, this is ajouté.

With those two elements, you can complete the passé composé. To say "I added," it would be "j'ai ajouté." Likewise, "we added" is "nous avons ajouté."

More Conjugations for Ajouter

French students will want to concentrate on the present, future, and passé composé forms of ajouter. There may be some circumstances, however, when you will need one of the following conjugations.

You will use the subjunctive and the conditional when the action of adding has some ambiguity. The passé simple and imperfect subjunctive are primarily used for formal writing in French.

Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passé Simple Imperfect Subjunctive
j' ajoute ajouterais ajoutai ajoutasse
tu ajoutes ajouterais ajoutas ajoutasses
il ajoute ajouterait ajouta ajoutât
nous ajoutions ajouterions ajoutâmes ajoutassions
vous ajoutiez ajouteriez ajoutâtes ajoutassiez
ils ajoutent ajouteraient ajoutèrent ajoutassent

As you learn more conversational French, you might also find a need to use ajouter in the imperative form. When doing this, you do not have to use the subject pronoun: rather than "tu ajoute," you can use "ajoute."

(tu) ajoute
(nous) ajoutons
(vous) ajoutez
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Your Citation
Team, ThoughtCo. "Conjugate French Verb "Ajouter"." ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, Team, ThoughtCo. (2021, December 6). Conjugate French Verb "Ajouter". Retrieved from Team, ThoughtCo. "Conjugate French Verb "Ajouter"." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 20, 2024).