French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz

When to Use Qui and Que

Question Mark Graffiti on a Brick Wall
Jeff Spielman / Getty Images
1. __________ peut nous aider ? (Who)
2. __________ va se passer ? (What)
3. __________ as-tu vu au cinéma ? (Whom)
4. __________ veux-tu étudier ? (What)
5. Avec __________ a-t-il mangé ? (whom)
6. __________ est son meilleur ami ? (Who)
7. __________ fait-il ? (What)
8. __________ allons-nous aimer dans ce film ? (Whom)
9. __________ est sur la table ? (What)
10. Avec __________ mangent-ils ? (what)
11. Pour __________ quêtez-vous ? (what)
12. __________ cherches-tu ? (What)
13. __________ attends-tu ? (What)
14. __________ veut aller à la plage ? (Who)
15. De __________ parlent-ils ? (what)
French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz
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I got Ooh lá lá!. French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz
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Yikes! It looks like you need to study more. Visit our lesson on French interrogative pronouns and try this quiz again.  

French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz
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I got Pas mal.. French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz

Not bad! You have the basics down, but you may want to revisit our lesson on French interrogative pronouns to refresh your memory on using qui, que, and lequel

French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz
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I got Trés Bien!. French Interrogative Pronouns Quiz
Lelia Valduga / Getty Images

Great job! You really know your French numbers. Ready for something a little more challenging? Visit our lessons on French interrogative adjectives and adverbs.